One of the most important issues to be taken into account with the beginning of the new year is the official calendar of holidays from character retribuit and not recoverable.
The work calendar for 2024, in the autonomous community of Catalonia establishes the following public holidays:
- 1 January
- 6 January
- 29 march
- 1 April
- May 1
- 24 June
- 15 August
- 11 of September
- 12 October
- 1 November
- 6 December
- 25 December
- 26 December
Of the thirteen parties mentioned above, there will be one, to choose between the 6 of January, 1 April, the 24th of June and the 26th of December, which will have character recoverable.
In addition to the 12 holidays related, established, on a proposal from each Council, the two local events that correspond to each municipality (Order EMT/290/2023 DOGC 9068 of 28/12/2023). In the attached link you can check that you are implementing. Consist indexed for counties.
Likewise we link to work calendar by autonomous regions for if it is of your interest (Resolution of 23/10/2023, BOE 257 27/10/2023)